Thursday, August 2, 2012

6th Months Braces Update!

So Ive had my braces for a little over 6 months now and Ive noticed a lot of movement, especially in the bottom! Ive had 2 orthodonist appointments since my last post so I will fill you guys in on any changes/ movements.

My last appointment I had my bottom left spring removed, my bracket put back on, and my wire hooked up to the bracket. My bottom teeth were insanely sore for about a week but the movement and results were quick! That was one of my biggest problem teeth and it moved into position within 2 weeks! That was the most progress Ive seen yet and in such a short amount of time.

My most recent appointment (Friday July 26th) my ortho didnt do much. She made my top right active coil longer and tightened it slightly. I didnt get my normal 5-7 day soreness or tightness this time. I only felt slight discomfort for about 2 and a half days.

 I still have an active spring on my top left tooth and one remaining spring on my bottom right side. I had 3 problem teeth that were crooked, twisted, and out of place and one of the three has been pulled into proper position and is perfectly straight. Only 2 more to go but we are still slowly making room to allow them to move into place (hence the two active springs). My top teeth (with the exception of one tooth) are completely straight. My top teeth werent insanely bad, but seeing how straight they are now compared to before, there is a huge difference! I already look back on pictures and notice a huge difference.

I also had two of my very back brackets pop off within 3 weeks of eachother. I wasnt eating anything unusual or that I wasnt supposed to eat, they just happen to pop off because they werent attatched to a wire which apparently is quite common. It wasnt a big deal and didnt cause me any discomfort, I just saved the brackets and when I need them hooked up to a wire they will be glued back on as normal.

Sores inside my mouth have been pretty non exsistant for the most part. Im noticing a little sore on my upper right lip right after my appointment so Im guessing there is slight movement going on and causing some friction.

Im extremely bad with flossing my teeth, even before I had braces I rarely flossed. Ive been recently forcing myself to floss daily and the bleeding I usually get from brushing has subsided a great deal as a result. I personally use a floss threader (looks like a teardrop with a point on it) and I tie a knot around the loop with floss. That is the only way Im aware of to floss with braces and I make sure I have it all ready to go the night before so that Im more inclined to do it every night. My orthodonist gets grumpy when she notices I havent been flossing so Im trying to do it every night and so far it has been a success!

Will update you guys if any more major changes happen!

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